Connecting Teachers & International Schools
Probity TeachingProbity TeachingProbity Teaching
+44 7554 481 142
Wimborne BH21 7UH, United Kingdom
Probity TeachingProbity TeachingProbity Teaching

Recommend a friend

Good teachers and school leaders are hard to find.

As such, we offer a 250 GBP referral fee to anyone who recommends a friend who is successful in finding a job through us.

Important Note: You should only provide a friend or colleague’s contact details if you have their explicit permission. The form sends an email to your friend stating that you’ve recommended them and inviting them to register with us and does not provide their details to us

To recommend a friend, simply complete the form below and click send.

The Probity Teaching Team

    Referral fees are paid immediately by bank transfer upon the employer school paying the Probity invoice for the placement; this generally occurs 30 days after the newly arrived teacher begins work. See our Terms and Conditions for full details.